Flourish Self Help

5 Strategies that Lead to Results Now

We’ve all had periods in our life when we don’t seem to get the outcomes we’ve worked so hard for. Many of us ask ourselves this question about our careers, education, family, or even a hobby “Is this the life I want to live? If it isn’t, I should start working on figuring out what I want.”

The truth is that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is having unrealistic expectations. Have you noticed how time has passed, and your life doesn’t look any different? Why do we expect different when we’re not willing to do differently? Want results now? First, be honest about what you’re willing to do differently right now. Then, be honest with yourself about how committed you are to do what it takes to get a different result. Here are five things to help you build out your action plan to get the results you desire not in the distant future but right now.

Get results with these strategies:
  1. Write down your goals. The best way to determine what’s important to you and to achieve your goals is to write them down. You’ve heard it before write the vision. It may seem like a simplistic approach but writing down things makes you focus on what you’re trying to achieve, you can then visualize going to do it and then have a point of reference to assess how you’re doing it. Without written goals and a plan, how can you tell if you’re moving forward toward your goals or even hitting your target?

If you are ready to change your life now, write down exactly what you want. Then start working towards it. The more specific and detailed you are about what you want, the better.

2. Conduct an honest self-review. Develop a greater sense of self-awareness. Examine your advantages, disadvantages, and limitations. If you’re having trouble conducting an honest self-evaluation, don’t hesitate to ask someone closest to you for input.

Knowledge is said to be power. I encourage you to get understanding. We set ourselves up to make sound judgments to guarantee we attain our goals if we have knowledge and understanding of ourselves.

3. Plan out the steps. Instead of focusing solely on the end result, remember that it’s the small steps that will get you there. So, pay attention to the little details.

Allow yourself to celebrate the small wins that come with taking small steps. Doing so will make the path to your goal feel more like an adventure, and as that becomes your flow, you will be more likely to stay on track and achieve the results you seek.

4. Get clear accountability. The outcomes we desire are not always possible to achieve only via self-motivation. We all need someone to hold us accountable from time to time in order to keep us moving forward.

Choose wisely. Your accountability partner should be someone who is invested in the outcomes you desire. For example, a financially responsible friend can more easily hold you accountable when it comes to your financial goals.

You might confide in and seek the advice of a friend who has a healthy, stable, long-term relationship if you want to see specific positive results in your relationship.

5. Think confidently. Finally, develop the habit of confident thinking. We feel bad emotionally and possibly physically when we think negatively. This can become a stumbling block that gets in the way of us working hard to achieve our goals.

Redirecting your focus on the positives and thinking confidently is about believing in yourself and your capacity to succeed. This will go a long way in driving you to keep trying no matter what obstacles you face as you learn new things and think of new ways of achieving successful results. Remember, this will take effort and time, so give yourself grace. Review and adjust as needed and enjoy the results!

Remember, you can’t control everything that happens in your life, and you certainly can’t control all of the outcomes either. Nonetheless, you can bring you’re “A-game” and make the best play in any situation. Focus on your actions, and the score will take care of itself. Decide, commit, focus, and succeed. Let me help you get the results you want to schedule a discovery call today.

Activate.Cultivate.Thrive Confidently.

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