Self Help Flourish

Highlight Your Greatness and Push Pass Your Doubts

I’ve learned that it can be challenging to pinpoint our strengths.  Think about it. Does this sound familiar when asked what your strengths are most will go for the obvious, I’m a good listener, I’m kind, I help others, or I’m compassionate. While that might be true, there’s always more.  Most would agree that some of our strengths are apparent, but many of the strengths that we bring to the table go unnoticed. Let’s be honest, we tend to overlook our good qualities, and when that happens, we’re low-key, turning our back on our strengths. Below are tips to help you grab hold of your strengths and develop the self-belief you’ve always desired to excel beyond your doubts.

Start by highlighting your positives. Regardless of your challenge with self-confidence, you can always find things you like about yourself. Let’s slow down, turn the positive filter on, and purpose yourself to take the time to make a note of those things.

Highlighting your greatness is a wonderful way to help boost confidence.

  • Your likes character traits, they could be physical things, your values. Whatever they are, highlight them. Embrace them and remind yourself that you’re a beautiful person!
  • Set aside time each day to celebrate yourself. Maybe you do a lot of that for others. Let’s turn that energy on to self.  Treat yourself to something nice just because you’re happy with the person you are.
  • Take note when others compliment you. Why, because others tend to see what we don’t. So don’t be so quick to brush the compliment aside. Take it for face value. It means that others are seeing positive qualities that you might be overlooking!
  • Turn challenges into celebrations. Use your strong suits to help turn challenges around.
  • For example, let’s say you need to make a presentation to an audience. You’re a nervous wreck because you feel anxious, inadequate, or less than. Why not lean on your sense of humor to break the ice?
  • There are countless ways to use personality and character strengths to your advantage. Be creative, think outside the box, and avoid looking at obstacles as insurmountable. Find a way to conquer.

Learn to lean into your other skill sets to provide reinforcement during difficult times.

  • Sharpen your strengths. In the Army, we’d say tighten your shot group. We all know there’s always room for you to grow, which also involves improving on current strengths. As you put the work into sharpening your strengths, you’ll find that your self-confidence increases naturally. Win, win!
  • Set realistic goals that utilize your strong points. When we fail to establish realistic goals, we’re setting ourselves up for disappointment. Let’s build our mental muscle memory by starting with the correct weight.  By setting realistic goals that use your strong points, you’ll begin to see a shift. As you experience success regularly, it will bring out a new level of confidence.
  • Setting goals that are “realistic and easier” to accomplish isn’t cheating your way to self-confidence. Nope, it’s not; instead, it’s a stepping stone towards achieving that goal. It’s a way to continually prove to yourself that you’re capable.
  • Hands down, you deserve the win. You deserve to enjoy the joy of achieving a goal, and get this; it helps you believe that more demanding goals, though intimidating, are doable.

Challenge yourself. Push pass doubt, and expand your comfort zone if that is what it takes to prove your strength. You’ve got this; I’m cheering you.

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