Self Help Flourish

What’s Your Most Valuable Superpower?

We all have asked ourselves the loaded question of what does it take to succeed? I say loaded because there are so many layers to that question. So many variables can play into the answer. For some, success can be defined by bank accounts with lots of money, lavish vacations, big houses, and fancy vehicles. Been there, done that. Nowadays, culture defines one as a successful influencer by the likes and loves coupled with the number of followers you have. At the same time, others have taken a different approach and have decided to define success on their terms. They’ve decided to go against that grain, saying no thank you to trends, culture, and status quo. To them, I say you go… kudos to you all.  No matter which category you fall in, know that you’re in good company. Here’s the thing: there’s one major thing that all of us have access to: it’s free and within your reach, and that is the belief in self! Yep, that’s right, believing in oneself is the most valuable SUPERPOWER. Belief has a powerful impact on your behavior and experiences. It’s a superpower that motivates and helps you accomplish your goals.

Try this foolproof formula for increasing your faith in yourself. P+TC+S=Believing in Yourself

P=Protect Your Confidence

When you’re feeling unsure, remind yourself that confidence is a skill you can enhance and protect. You may need to grow into it, and that’s okay, but gradually you’ll accept and trust yourself more.

  • Assess your achievements. It’s easy to forget how far you’ve come. Give yourself credit for your major accomplishments and the incremental progress you make each day.
  • Become a goal digger. Keep adding to your track record by creating specific and clear goals for the short and long term. Making an effort is just as important as the end results. “ Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place in the next moment.” -O.H.
  • Change your inner dialogue. How do you talk to yourself? Change is a process, not an event. Choose and use words that lift you and inspire you.
  • Continue learning. Maybe you need additional resources and qualifications to pursue your passions. Take courses online, read books, and talk with others about their areas of expertise.
  • Think positive. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and hope. Start your day with a smile, and savor small pleasures.
TC=Taking Care of Yourself

Your daily choices reflect how much you value yourself. Choose habits that protect your physical and mental well-being like:

  • Exercise regularly. Physical activity reduces stress and increases hormones that help you to feel calm and happy.
  • Eat healthily. It’s easier to have confidence when your energy levels are high and your blood sugar is stable. Enjoy a diet rich in nutritious whole foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Avoid excess salt and sugar.
  • Sleep well. Your body and mind need 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep each night. Stick to a consistent bedtime, turn off devices an hour before bedtime, and keep your bedroom dark and quiet.
  • Manage stress. How do you deal with daily tensions? Learn and use constructive coping strategies.
S=Reaching out for Support

Believing in yourself also means being realistic. We all need support. We were created with a sense of connection.

  • Advocate for yourself. Mutually supportive relationships are based on healthy boundaries and asking for help when you need it. Communicate your needs and wants tactfully and directly, and allow yourself to be vulnerable.
  • Network actively. Build a strong system of personal and professional contacts. Join clubs and go to places where you can meet others who share your interests. Nurture your relationships by staying in touch and being willing to communicate on a deeper level where you share your thoughts and feelings.
  • Find a mentor. Working with a trusted advisor is a great way to gain guidance and valuable feedback about your career path and other aspects of your life. Look for someone you can relate to and be respectful of their time. You can start with someone you know or ask your contacts for introductions.
  • Be generous. Giving to others can increase your regard for yourself in many ways. In doing so, you’ll see proof that you have strengths that can make a positive impact on the world and your community.

Unlock your superpower, and believe in yourself and your abilities! Love yourself for who you are and create the life you want.

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