
Tips for Getting Back on Track after the Holidays

I know we’re two weeks into the new year. But is it just me, or was it a challenge getting back into the swing of things? The holidays are often a whirlwind of activities and emotions involving busy schedules of shopping, school programs, and get-togethers with friends and family. I’ll be honest; I kind of dread returning back to routine. Those first few days, I’m talking myself out of this funk. So, you’re not alone if you experience emotional disappointment when the holidays pass. Getting back in the swing of things is a challenge for most. Luckily, it’s all about perspective, and there are many things you can do to lift your mood. I want to share a few strategies to boost your spirits and get your New Year off to a great start.

Right out of the gate, take advantage of the extra time you now have for yourself. Yes, Lord! Since the holiday dance is over, you have some time to catch your breath and reflect. New year, new opportunities. What do you like about your life? What would you like to change?

Think about small goals you’d like to accomplish. Do you want to finally get the shelves up and get that hall closet cleaned out and organized? It’s a good time to list all those little tasks you want to do. Having the list will help you concentrate on your goals. Plus, it’s wonderful to draw a line through an achieved goal.

Focus on you for a change. Now is the time to dive in on personal desires and goals. Perhaps you want to exercise more or spend more quality time with your children. Maybe you want to be emotionally healthy. Think about how you might go about making the changes you seek. Think of taking little steps toward your big goals.

Pursue an interest. We’ve all got those interests we hope to “get to” someday. Since you’ve got some downtime now, why not go for it? Delve into that subject you’ve been curious about, or start the photography class you’ve longed to take. If you’re unsure what you’re interested in, information is just a few keystrokes. Visit your local library, browse some magazines or grab a friend and brainstorm. You’ll most likely find a couple of topics or activities you’d like to learn more about.

Have a dinner party. If it’s people you miss, get-togethers aren’t just for holidays. You’ll have plenty of time to plan and prepare for this event and ask others to bring a dish. You’ll enjoy yourself, and your mood will appreciate the laughter and fellowship.

Renew and refresh your surroundings. Do you feel like rearranging the furniture in a room or two? Maybe you want to paint the walls or change out the curtains. Re-decorating your surroundings is a wonderful way to go into a new year and banish the holiday blues at the same time.

Re-connect with an old friend. I love this. There’s something wonderful about making that call you’ve wanted to make. Hearing your friend’s voice again will bring great joy to your heart. It might be a friend from the old neighborhood, a former college roommate, an old army buddy, or a past co-worker with whom you were once great friends.

If you’re feeling down now that the holidays are behind you, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll begin to rise above those post-holiday blues when you try some of these strategies.

Taking some quality time for yourself during this period can lighten your mood immensely and ignite your excitement about the year ahead.

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